wind farms
We use specialized software to simulate the weather in a region and determine the annual net electricity production. Specialized studies for most wind farms in Romania.
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airports & heliports
Master Plan for the airport, technical projects, technical consultancy, details for execution planning, elaboration of feasibility studies, obstacle studies, location research
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geodesy, topography & cadastre
Topographical, cadastre and registration documentation, marking
Scientific research activity
The scientific research activity in SC GEO ARC SRL covers three fundamental components:
- fundamental and applied research;
- development (generation of prototype innovative products and services);
- innovation (implementation of services and innovative products in the socio-economic enviroment).
Scientific research is an important mission of SC GEO ARC SRL main tasks of organizing and carrying out the activities for achieving this mission being focused on the research team.
The scientific research activity is conducted in a variety of forms:
- scientific papers based on contracts obtained under the National Research - Development;
- scientific papers based on contracts signed with economic organizations or research and design institutes;
- works of technical expertise, advice or service contracted with various organizations.
SC GEO ARC SRL intends to achieve the optimal conditions for support of research objectives as well as for the development of material base and promotion of personnel engaged in the such activities.
The scientific work is evaluated annually by the Scientific Council of the SC GEO ARC Ltd., to determine the level of performance. The evaluation criteria considered are:
papers published in the ISI quoted journals, ISI indexed or databases presented at international conventions, conferences, symposia, etc..
- published articles on international events organized in the country and abroad;
- papers published in Romanian CNCSIS magazines;
- The financial resources, logistics and human resources attracted;
- leverage the results of research in the socio-economic enviroment environment.
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